Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life: TV on Replay

Lately, nothing big in particular has been happening. I could say ever since I decided to close my emotions from it all, things have gotten a little boring. But then...just when I thought it could be the draggiest part of my life, fate never ceased to amuse me.
I've spent the past couple of days watching tv basically. Not tv as in sitting on a couch with a bag of chips and staring at a moving screen, no. It's a different kind of tv. I could say I'm watching life pass me by. It's quite interesting actually, gets my curiosity going.
I've been tuned in on this recent set of dramas going around school. Luckily it doesn't involve me directly, so I'm simply a spectator. What I don't get as I watch it unfold is: how can someone do that? How can a girl do that to the boy who she once said I love you to? I would explain in further detail why I ask this question, but if I did it would mean revealing who these individuals are, and I don't think it's a very good idea to do so. But still, how could she do that to him?
I don't understand people as well as I thought I could. She's just a girl like me, but I can't see things her way at all. I guess life is just a huge irony that way.
After a while, I start to look at the situation from a life perspective. Then I see that deja vu seemed to have repeated itself over and over again. I swear something similar had happened before. It's like watching reruns over and over again. Oh well, I guess since I'm merely a spectator I can't really give my advice to anyone in the drama. All I have to say is it's better to let go now than when things get too deep. But hey, no one ever listens to the crazy girl who trips over her own two feet right?
On a different note, I will relate my thoughts to the idea of "Life is television on replay" again. See, I've seen it happen before. When I fall, when I'm on the ground, and when I get back up again. In life, I've fallen many, many times, and every time the same way. =_= If only I could learn from my mistakes and not fall ever again. In a way I'm talking about love. In another way I'm talking about life in general. And in yet another, more random, way, I'm talking about my clumsiness.
(sigh) I just had something really good in my mind I wanted to write down. But I sorta forgot it, that would explain why this whole entry had been so random. If you look back, it would seem like I had a minor case of ADD going on up there ^^
I guess all I really wanted to say was:
Life repeats itself whether you want it to or not. Every time you fall, think back to the times the same or similar thing had happened in the past, and hopefully find a way to save yourself from there. If you can't, then I guess when you fell it was a good lesson to be learned.
Wow ^^ if that was all the I wanted to say, I guess I really didn't need the long entry above it. Oh well, I guess since not many people ready my blog anyways, I won't get any complaints. Have a good day ahead and if you fall remember what I said.
~ Life repeats itself. When you fall down...somehow you eventually pick yourself back up. ~

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:: Favorite Quotations ::

"I believe that some day, he will walk into my life and give me all the right reasons to live, laugh, and love. " - A Dreamer

"When you start to miss me, remember, I didn't walk away, you let me go." - A girl

"Live with no excuses and love with no regrets." - Unknown

"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about." - Unknown

"Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else." - Unknown

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." - One wise person.