Monday, November 29, 2010

Dawn of Infinity

Your pretty face that lies out in the open sun,
Your eyes closed but they open as I come close.
Together to the sun, to the moon as we will run.
We’ll take our dreams and make them as we rose.

This world so vast with many endless skies.
We’ll soar above and see right through the clouds.
The grass is soft in this world see no lies.
I see your face though you’re far. I saw you through the crowd.

Even if darkness engulfs us all,
No hope is lost, it’s now our call.
A metal heart we’ll fight it through.
We’ll fight the dark, this world so new.

When I’m with you I have no fear.
You turn around and I’m still here.
Just take my hands and we’ll go free.
This endless world, a heave like eternity.

The night will pass and day will come.
And peace returns and warms me some.
Together we’ll watch the moon envy,
The rising sun. The dawn of infinity.

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:: Favorite Quotations ::

"I believe that some day, he will walk into my life and give me all the right reasons to live, laugh, and love. " - A Dreamer

"When you start to miss me, remember, I didn't walk away, you let me go." - A girl

"Live with no excuses and love with no regrets." - Unknown

"Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about." - Unknown

"Someday someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else." - Unknown

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." - One wise person.